Girls, because of your actions, decorum, dress, and conduct, guys are falling over you. They basically see you as a sex object and nothing else. Wanting you for his desires and pleasure. He may mess around with you, use you up sexually, and then throw you away after he's done and fulfilled his sexual desires. Yes, it's the truth, and so many don't want to hear it because it hurts. And guys, I pity you, the way these girls are coating themselves these days is disgusting, and it may be very hard for you to block off those images and control those sexual desires, although, by the grace of God, you can rid it off, and you can become a set-apart guy. This means that you're completely, absolutely, different from all of the hormone, out of whack, sex-crazed guy! I may have just spoken out of my authority, I'm sorry if I have, however, speaking of such things is what I desire, because there is such a need to hear the truth about purity.
Many fight and war against the issues about their actions and conduct toward the opposite sex. I have had many girls come up to me, practically crying in agony and saying, "How can I act around him without coming across as interested, because I'm not!" Yes, this is a problem with our society. Many times people think just because we're talking to him or her that we have a certain 'thing' going on. If you intend to do all things blamelessly, without impurity, then block off those comments. BUT, if you achieve purposefully to get his/her attention, gaze, touch, then you need to reevaluate your heart and think if this is correct in the sight of God. Do you honestly desire to be sexually active, is this a reason why you are such a flirt? It's such a mess, girls believing that they have to dress or act this way just to get his attention, and guys thinking that they have to act cool and macho just to get his girl to look and daze upon him! I will share from my side now.
When I am around guys, I don't purposefully attempt to be a flirt, joke around, or try to be the center of attention. Yes, I DO love to joke around, however, keeping a complete balance to keep things under control. If things get out of control, then others may get the impression that she (me) is all for the attention and affection. It is a daily struggle for many, but talking to God is the greatest thing.
Why does our society face such challenges when around the opposite sex? Why can't we just all act normal? Because, we have this hormone inside of us that says, "Oh wow, he's so cute, or she's so hot!" And when we cannot keep that under the belt, that's when relationships and friendships get our of hand. The world teaches its teens to be in the latest trends, watch the latest movies, magazines, and even have a girl/boyfriend just to be cool. Have sexual intimacy just to say you did it before 18, and make sure that you go every weekend on a date and if it begins to get boring, dump your girl/boyfriend, there are plenty more in this world! Yes, this is true, it's just so sad that so many, Christians as a matter of fact are fogged and cannot see the sin. I have talked with many girls who claimed to be Christians, went to church, etc., and yet wanted a boyfriend badly, wanted to waste their first kiss, and didn't even know what courtship was! One girl said, "Oh, courtship, isn't that the old style, where you stay reserved and practically talk to the guy with a wall in between?" No, it does NOT have to be like that. We can engage ourselves in a pure manner and converse with the other gender, we don't have to be reserved completely, nor nervous or thinking just because we said two words that it was a sin! It is the way you act, the way you intend to come across. Your actions speak louder than words, and yes I stole that from the Bible!
Many people have told me that I sound just like an author, Leslie Ludy, because she is so open. And I'm sorry if I came across as to blunt in this post, I just can't stop myself from not opening the eyes of the young adults. Sexual immorality is an abomination to God, he abhors it. He doesn't just not like it, he HATES it! I have conversed with a young man before, and when I do so, I am always on target, making sure that I have not crossed the line, and have not talked about nonsense such as, whatcha doing, etc. Don't talk about filthy subjects, things which dishonor God and topics which would shock your parents. Converse in a Christ-like manner, making a statement that you don't have to have a girl/boyfriend, and you can talk with the opposite sex in a group of others. Now, personally, I advise young ladies, or gentlemen, to not be alone in a conversation. Things could go a tad out of hand, and you will never forgive yourself, just as a side note. Ladies, if you haven't noticed, guys these days are declining, what I mean by this is that they are becoming weaker and mocked at because so many say that they don't have a back bone and don't know how to be a leader. It is up to you to encourage them in all purity, to make them regain that masculinity and the divine purpose God has for them, such as being a strong leader. Guys, encourage and thank your godly friends who are young ladies for dressing differently and living their life with all purity, don't just think of it as normal, thank them for it. We all need each other, we need to stand together to set the Christian role and not be ashamed of it. Also, girls do not be the initiator of a conversation for relationship. Do not go up to the guy alone and personally, even when you want to tell him something very important which is random to you, it brings a message across that you are stronger in character and are undermining his authority. Allow him to be the one to lead on in a relationship and let him be the one who initiates it; and guys treat a young lady with respect, not like a piece of garbage just available for sexual desires. She is far more worth, and it takes a time to win her heart, guard your heart, each one of you! Please, everyone do not misunderstand me that I'm saying you have to completely away from the opposite gender, this is not what I'm saying, just be on caution and use the biblical principles.
Lift up your hands, look up, cry up, and He is right there. God is just waiting for you to break down, give Him the pen, and He will write your love story. He can write the most beautiful pages and poems about you. Even if you think you will never get married, and you believe that you have to help God, please don't, do not get in His way, He has something so great for you. More of this will be discussed in the upcoming posts, as I will hit singleness, and the greatest question, "What if I don't get married?" Well, may God bless you as you continue to strive for a godly character and life!
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23
His Servant,