Sunday, January 25, 2009

My friendship!

Hey y'all!

Thanks for all the previous comments. I really enjoyed looking and reading through each one. I will get my post up soon (the question with the most comments). As of now, I'm pretty busy, because my best friend came for a visit. We've been having a great time. Her friendship is just something I don't want to loose. If any of you have ever read Anne of the Green Gables, then you'll know about a friendship. Anne is definitely me, all the way through, and then Erica, my friend is Diana. It's pretty plain as day too see. It's amazing to have a family as I do, a God who I can trust and love, and then a friend who is loving, caring, encouraging, and raising you up. I have a video I want to share with y'all. Some may think it's a bit odd, because the movie "Lord of the Rings" is not what everyone believes, but I personally wanted to post it up. There's nothing violent or scary, it just shows a friendship even in a rough time. If none of you know the story, I'll give you a quick glimpse of who is who. Frodo is the one who has brown hair and is always looking burdened and Sam, his brave companion is the one in blond hair. They are going on a far journey to destroy a ring. That's all I'm going to give you. Erica is like Sam, raising me up when I'm down, either physically or mentally, and I'm, well, like Frodo. Even though they're guys, it's still shows many similarities. I have at the time an injured arm and my friend is being the one like Sam, raising me up! When I'm down and hurt, she'll raise her arm out and lift me up. She's a total Sam, brave, and yet is full of compassion. If she had too, I know she would even carry me (literally) and do the most to keep me strong and my face lifting high! She says, "It's fun to raise you up, Mr. Frodo (me)!" Take a look at the movie. And I won't be offended if y'all don't look at it. Each family has different believes about it! Till later....


Katie said...

I used to have a friend very similar to that! We read the Anne of Green Gable series at the same time.

Erica Melugin said...

Nessa, that video totally describes our friendship and it's great! It's in my head all the time, the song is, and to all of y'all who have Frodos and Sams in your lives as friends - you have been blessed and you should treasure your 'Frodo' or 'Sam' because they are rare. Ü

Unknown said...

i love both those movies :) so glad you have such a good friend in you life.